

Hot Toys 《月光騎士》 月光騎士 Moon Knight 1/6 比例珍藏人偶

【Moon Knight - 1/6th scale Moon Knight Collectible Figure Tms075】

Hot Toys為忠實還原月光騎士獲得月神孔蘇的加持的神奇力量,特別為人偶開發一個高逾29cm、具有30多個可動關節的人偶素體;然後配搭上整套設計融入大量雕刻繃帶纏繞特色的灰白色月神聖裝與斗篷,雕刻的繃帶細節能更足本展現服飾的貼薄度,細緻地飾有埃及古文圖案,而胸口、布製腰帶、各個護甲及斗蓬上配有標誌性新月形,斗篷邊沿特意藏有鐵線骨架,營造出飄逸效果,呈現出埃及月神的神奇力量!除此之外,Hot Toys 頭雕師團隊更細緻刻劃上被布帶包裹著的月光騎士頭雕連帽,沌白色的眼睛內置LED亮燈功能 (白光),呈現出迷霧般的神秘感!隨人偶將配置八件不同大小新月飛刀 (分別為大、中、小號)、多對造型手掌,以及一個人偶地台連一個新月形背景,立體化地打造出1:6比例珍藏人偶,為影迷們揭開這位超級英雄的神秘面紗!

由即日起Hot Toys香港專門店 ─ Secret Base、Echo Base及Hot Toys 香港官方eShop (https://ehottoys.com/) 接受顧客預訂 (地址:香港九龍旺角彌敦道582-592號信和中心20樓/ 銅鑼灣百德新街Fashion Walk 地下12-14號舖)

HK$ 1,730 (另備有會員折扣優惠)


The 1/6th scale Moon Knight Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Moon Knight in Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight
- Newly developed head sculpt with hood and LED light up function design on eyes (white light, battery operated)
- Wrapped in sculpted bandages
- Body with 30 points of articulation
- Approximately 29cm tall
- Ten (10) pieces of interchangeable wrapped hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of relaxed hands
- One (1) pair of gesture hands
- One (1) pair of hands for holding crescent blades
- One (1) pair of hands for throwing crescent blades
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

Costume :
- One (1) grayish white colored suit with ancient symbols, patterns and crescent moon chest emblem
- One (1) set of grayish white, bronzed colored Moon Knight armors
- One (1) grayish white colored fabric belt
- One (1) grayish white colored cape (equipped with bendable wire)
- One (1) pair of yellowish white boots

- Eight (8) crescent blades in different sizes (large, medium, small)

- One (1) crescent moon character backdrop
- A dynamic figure stand with series logo and character nameplate



Toys Zone D