Craftone The Fighter 1/6 Scale Collectible Action Figure
人偶明顯地"參考"大衛芬查 執導0既經典電影- 博擊會(Fight Club)入面畢彼特飾演的人格分身Tyler 。Figure 以雙頭雕,雙服裝設計出現,造型似足角色在電影初期和後期的變化。配件中的打火機及香煙更是特色所在!
Fight club fans 都應該會 like ,不過就最好出埋愛德華.諾頓啦!
1. 2X head sculpts (Hair and Bald Version).
2. 1X Figure Body include 4 pair of hands and 1 pair of feet
Outfit 1)
1. Black Mink Coat
2. Orange Tee
3. Red Pants
4. Red Socks
5. Leather Shoes(For Feets).
6. Red diamond ring and green diamond ring
7. Lighter and cigarette
Outfit 2
1. Red leather coat
2. Patteren printed Tee
3. Navy Blue Pants
4. Leather Boots (For Feet)
5. Sunglasses