Bruce Lee collection 1/12 scale Premium Figure
“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
李小龍這個水的哲學,相信大家也有聽過。李小龍不只是一位偉大的武術家,更是一位思想家、哲人,包括形態武學及思想上的導師。適逢2015年是李小龍誕晨75周年,Storm Collectibles 將推出Bruce Lee collection, 1/12 scale Premium Figure ,1比12 比例的李小龍雕像。
更新: 2016-6-20 作品經已推出
營業時間: 15:00
訂購地點:t-two generalstore 九龍 旺角 通菜街2A-2P 鴻光商場 1樓 25號舖 電話: 5177 0881
數量: 500套
定價: HKD 428
Storm Collectibles 1/12 Scale Bruce Lee statue

▼Storm Collectibles 1/12 Scale Bruce Lee statue

2015 is a special year to all the Bruce lee fans. It is the 75th Anniversary of the greatest action film actor, martial arts instructor, philosopher, filmmaker, and the founder of Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee birth. Today ,the Hong Kong figure manufacturer -Storm Collectibles announced to release a series of Bruce Lee Collection to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Legend birth.
李小龍水的哲學,相信大家也有聽過。李小龍不只是一位偉大的武術家,演員、導演,更是一位思想家、哲人,包括形態武學及思想上的導師。適逢今天2015.11.27 李小龍75周年誕晨,Storm Collectibles 將推出李小龍的相關產品,首個作品 — 1/12 李小龍雕像登場。
"The First Bruce Lee" is different from the Storm collectibles previous toys , this is as a 1/12 scale statue . Although it is only 6 inches high, it has a Incredibly Detailed head sculpt and muscle body, sculpted by Master Bruce Lee Sculptor Arnie Kim, who has sculpted many of the 1/6 scale Bruce Lee figures from Hot Toys, Enterbay and Blitzway.
這次作品有別於Storm collectibles 的1/6 人偶系列,而是以1/12 比例的的雕像作品呈現出來。雖然只得6吋高,遠較我們看到的李小龍雕像或人偶為細小,但卻有著極高的精細度及像真度。 Storm Collectibles 還特意找來知名的李小龍雕工大師Arnie Kim 處理,Kim大師過往因製作李小龍一系列12 吋Figure 而聞名,質素有目共睹。
Storm Collectibles Bruce Lee, a 1/12 scale statue features two pieces of incredible likeness of Bruce Lee’s head, one head with a normal expression and another one is Bruce Lee with a beard (so rare). Storm team is a Huge Bruce Lee fan , their concept has been widely referenced across the life of Bruce Lee , family , training and demonstration moment , they are focus on the real life of Bruce Lee , not only on the movie . So we will see a different style of Bruce Lee coming , as dynamic statue, even 1/6, 1/12 scale action figure .
雕像以李小龍展現背闊肌的招牌動作呈現,以雙頭雕設計,除普通表情外,另一款更為特別,是首款以李小龍蓄鬍子為造型的頭雕。我們知道是Storm 的團隊亦是李小龍的瘋狂Fans ,所以對作品的製作態度絕對是一絲不苟。據了解,他們的目的不只是呈現李小龍電影的造型,而是去環繞李小龍整個生活,練武、家庭,武術傳達,以至於自我發現之路,誠意絕對十足。所以在後還會有多款動態場景作品,甚至有可動人偶的推出。
We have visited Storm headquarter to have a First Look at this , this statue was really surprise me ,when I had it in my hands .The head sculpt , muscle definition at this scale is amazing. Trust me , all of the Bruce Lee fans , this is the best 6 inch Bruce Lee you've ever seen.
就以這款作品而言,玩具兄弟親身試玩過,頭雕水準及像真度、肌肉紋理的表現,絕對遠超同比例的任何李小龍玩具作品,同為李小龍fans 的小編非常滿意。
▼Storm Collectibles 1/12 Scale Bruce Lee statue
▼Bruce Lee with beard (so rare!)
▼Back (Not the final version )
▼Interchangeable head sculpt
▼At this scale amazing!!!
▼Storm Collectibles @ New York Comic Con 2015
▼1960's Bruce Lee 李小龍在60年代的練功照
▼Bruce Lee Prototype @ 14-5-2015