After MIKE TYSON "The Youngest Heavyweight", Storm Collectibles- the 1/6 scale Mike Tyson"(KnK Exclusive) collectibles figure is out now, which is only display and pre order at 2015 Seoul Adult & Kid Fair in Coex Convention and Exhibition Center , with 100pcs Limited . It imaged Mike Tyson training scenes at his early professional boxing career exclusive feature the white training outfit.
本地玩具商Storm Collectibles 早前於2015年7月22日-26日假南韓擧行的2015 Seoul Adult & Kid Fair 中以100套限量形式預購的1/6 拳王泰臣 MIKE TYSON (KnK Exclusive) 發貨了,造型是以他在早期的職業拳擊生涯中,所穿的白色訓練服及訓練場景製作。
▼Mike Tyson and Oliver McCall sparring
KnK Exclusive "Mike Tyson" Approximately 30 cm tall, features two head sculpt , one is normal expression , another one is boxing in action (teeth shown), including Boxing gloves , Boxing shoes, a red protective headgear , Hook & loop protector, white training outfit, championship belt, 4 pieces of interchangeable palms, 1 pair of bare feet, 1 set of grey color causal training outfit, Everlast boxing trunk, Speed Bag Platform. And a pair of extra Boxing gloves, this is hand-made with leather-like and printed with official licensed Everlast logo . (Too Many..? :) )
這款 KnK Exclusive版本泰臣,以白色的訓練服裝登場,並配有紅色的練習頭罩,取材自泰臣早期在進行對練(Sparring)的造型,在配件上,白色訓練服及紅色練習頭罩服裝的KnK Exclusive 版本,會取代早前的「重量級特別版」的黑色練習頭罩、木材地台及仿真皮拳擊鞋,但仍保留拳擊手套、拳擊鞋、護陰褲、灰色訓練服、速度球與普通地台等* 。當中的拳擊手套、練習頭罩、護陰褲、速度球均由著名運動品牌“EVERLAST"正式授權,並以仿真皮人手製作,像真度極高。
「米克」泰臣(英語:Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson,1966年6月30日-),生於美國紐約市,曾是一位職業拳擊手,曾獲世界重量級冠軍,被認為是世界上最好的重量級拳擊手之一。在其全盛時期,他以毀滅性的風格多次擊敗了著名的對手,一度是最具威脅性的拳擊手之一。但其事業前途卻因個人問題、缺乏訓練和兩次收押而中斷。在監獄他曾企圖恢復職業生涯,但在與知名對手比賽中卻沒有獲勝。 2005年6月11日泰森與拳擊手Kevin McBride 打了最後一場比賽,但亦以失敗收場,因此決定永遠從拳壇退休。
▼Mike Tyson Connecticut mansion ,破產後售予 Rapper 50 Cent,但最近50 Cent 也破產了...
Tyson is said to have squandered nearly $300m in ring earnings through lavish spending and bad advice, and he declared bankruptcy in 2003.
20歲已成為拳王的他,生活窮奢極侈,他在康涅狄格的豪宅,佔地5萬呎、擁有19間睡房的巨宅,共花掉泰臣1,850萬美元,生涯賺得逾4億美元的泰臣,但被「吸血鬼」經理人唐京(Don King)「搾乾」終在03年宣佈破產。
▼Storm Collectibles - 1/6 Mike Tyson"(KnK Exclusive) action figure
▼第一層的配件 The box features 3 layers of accessories, this is the first
▼雙頭雕的人偶 - Two different head sculpt
▼素體非常逼真 Muscular body-shape
▼包膠的大腿 Seamless knee joint
▼紋身 With tattoo at Tyson' mid-late 80's professional boxing career
▼第二層配件 Second Layer
▼灰色運動裝、仿真皮拳套、速度球、拳擊褲、地台及 - Causal training outfit. Everlast professional boxing gloves. Speed Ball . Everlast boxing trunk & the Base Stand.
▼拳擊褲,由運動品牌“EVERLAST"正式授權 -Everlast boxing trunk (Tyson wore on many of his championship fights)
▼仿真皮拳套 A pair of leather boxing glove
▼第三層的配件,護陰褲,KnK Exclusive 特有的紅色仿真皮練習頭罩及白色訓練服-The third layer - Hook & loop protector . , Red Protective headgear (KnK Exclusive), White Training Outfit (KnK Exclusive)
▼Different: Left: Mike Tyson" (Heavy Weight SpecialEdition) Right :Mike Tyson (KnK Exclusive)
▼頭雕水準非常不俗 Head sculpt 1
▼背部肌肉紋理 Back
▼肩關節可上下"甩動" Movable shoulder joints
▼內裡的設計- Inside the figure
▼另一頭雕- Head sculpt "boxing in action"
▼練習頭罩,及白色訓練服,非常貼合的剪栽 - Hand made protective headgear & White Training Outfit(KnK Exclusive)
▼重量級拳王金腰帶 - Championship Belt
▼The Heavy Weight Champion "Mike Tyson"
▼灰色運動套裝 - One set of grey color causal training outfit
▼多款可換手形 - Four pieces of interchangeable palms
▼自行綑繩的拳套 - Hand-made leather boxing gloves
▼腳掌一對 - A pair of barefoot
▼仿真皮護陰褲 - Leather Hook & loop protector
▼VS Bruce Lee